2024 HYROX Dallas Training + Workout
Cayden Jones, Obstacle Warriors North Richland Hills | Updated August 6, 2024
The hybrid workout competition known as HYROX has exploded in popularity in recent years. The format of the competition has allowed a variety of age groups and skill levels to compete and have fun.
Yaenty Heesen | Image via HYROX
HYROX Stations and Race Setup
The requirements are always the same, in the same order, for each HYROX.
1km Run
1km Ski (on Concept2 SkiErg)
1km Run
50m Sled Push (102kg – 202kg*)
1km Run
50m Sled Pull (78kg – 153kg*)
1km Run
80m Burpee Broad Jump
1km Run
1km Row (on Concept2 Rower)
1km Run
200m Kettle Bells Farmers Carry (16kg – 32kg*)
1km Run
100m Sandbag Lunges (10kg – 30kg*)
1km Run
100 / 75* reps Wall Balls (4kg – 9kg*)
* The weights and reps for wall balls station varies by category.
Yaenty Heesen | Image via HYROX
Weights and Distances by Division
Yaenty Heesen | Image via HYROX
The current Men’s Pro world record is a time of 53 mins 22 secs by Hunter McIntyre. The Women’s world record is held by Lauren Weeks with a time of 58 mins 03 secs.
40-minute AMRAP
1) DB Push Press - 15
2) Ski Erg - 100m
3) Sandbag Walking Lunge - 25m
4) Ski Erg - 100m
5) Sled Push - 10m
10 rounds
1) Pull-Ups - 10
2) Sled Pull - 10m
3) Farmer Carry - 50m
4) Rower - 250m
5 mile jog
6 rounds
1) Weighted Situp - 20
2) Burpee Broad Jump - 20m
3) Wall Balls - 20
4) Assault Bike - 20 cal
Repeat for 40 minutes
Jog - 1/2 mile
Ski Erg - 100m
Jog - 1/2 mile
Rower - 100m
5 rounds for time
DB Snatch - 10/side
BB Squat - 10
Suitcase Carry - 20m
Sandbag Lunge -20m
Jog - 2 miles
Mobility, flexibility, easy pace walk
Your favorite ninja obstacle course gym is opening soon in Summer 2024! Kids and adults get to experience what it’s like to be a ninja warrior! We encourage kids and adults to have fun, learn, and challenge themselves to be the best that they can be. Unleash your inner ninja warrior.
Location: Obstacle Warriors NRH is located at 8525 Airport Fwy, North Richland Hills, TX 76180